Evergreen Wear

UI/UX + Product Development Engineer

Project overview

Evergreen Wear is a jewelry line targeted at the elderly Chinese population in Hong Kong (HK) and at large. For this segment, jade is considered auspicious, and can bring good health and fall-protection to its wearer. Nestled inside Evergreen Wear's beautiful jade or precious stone exterior is self-charging, fall detection and health monitoring sensors. Evergreen Wear is cleverly designed to keep technology out of the elderly wearer's way, while providing timely and relevant health insights to their caregiver.


Winner and Audience Choice @ MIT Challenge (MEMSI)

The story of
a fallen granny


In 2018, granny took a fall in the bathroom of her 1 bedroom flat, where she lived alone. Aunty Wong, her caregiver who typically visits every 2 days, discovered her unconscious on the floor. Granny had been unable to call for help, and by the time she was brought to the hospital, it was too late.

This story is not a unique one. In fact, statistics show that bathroom slips and falls are top causes of injuries for the elderly.

While this seems like a gloomy statistic, hope is not lost.

How can we respond more quickly to falls? Caregivers are already suffering from a great deal of burnout.

Competitive landscape

Taking a look at the market, we find that there are many products, but no solutions. Products like the safety bell require elderly to expose their vulnerability by wearing a device around their neck, and also require them to be conscious enough to activate the emergency bell. On the other hand, products like the Apple Watch have a steep learning curve, and also require the elderly user to be on-boarded to the (expensive) ecosystem.

Jade, close to the heart

Evergreen's solution builds on the symbolic protection offered by jade. Every day, millions of elderly Chinese people already adorn these bracelets and bangles 24/7, believing in the auspicious properties of the material.

Auto fall-detection: anytime, anywhere

Designs for different needs

Beauty in simplicity

We designed a system that does not require either the elderly person or the caregiver to download any applications. The caregiver simply has the activate the bracelet or bangle by texting to a number found in the box, and begin receiving health updates through a conversational SMS interface

Users love it!

Watch Mdm Wong's review:

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